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Are you still accepting job applications through email? Do you have stacks of paper resumes that need to be evaluated to find the perfect candidate? Are you ready to take your hiring to the next level? We’re here to help! All employer account have access to a suite of tools through their dashboard to make the curation of talent fast and easy. Let’s review how we can help.

Important: These features and tools are only available if applications are accepted within the job board.  When posting a job, for HOW TO APPLY, select either the first or third option. 

Screening Questions

Screening questions are a great way to collect additional information from all applicants. Note: The screening questions are not designed to automatically remove candidates from the process. Rest assured that you will see all the applications that are made, regardless of the answers they submit.

1. After logging into your employer dashboard, when posting a job, check to enable Screening Questions.
2. There are four different types of questions that can be included. Construct your question set using these question types. 
a) Short Answer: Give applicants a free text field to enter their response. 
b) Single Choice: Allow applicants to choose a single response from a list of employer-defined answers.
c) Multiple Choice: Allow applicants to choose more than one response from a list of employer-defined answers.
d) Yes or No: Applicants must choose either Yes or No
3. All question sets are saved and can be reused for job posts in the future. Simply click View my Questions Sets to see them.
4. Click Proceed to reach the next step.

Applicant Curation and Selection

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