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Posting a job is easy to do from your employer dashboard. Let’s review the different fields that can be customized so that you make the best presentation of your job post.

Posting Date: This is the date on which you wish the job to be posted. In most cases, you’ll probably be selected the current date, but you also have the option to select a date in the future to schedule the job publishing for later. You are not able to select a date in the past.

Job Title: This is the title of the job you’re hiring for. 

Location: Enter the location where your job is based in. It is best to enter a city into this field, but if you wish, a province/state can be used instead. You are not able to enter more than one location.

Short Description: The Short Description is what appears on the search results page as a preview for the job post.

Full Description: This is where you enter the full details and description of the job you’re hiring for. Make use of the WYSIWYG editor to style the post, add images, embed videos, create hyperlinks etc. 

How to Apply: There are three different ways to apply:
#1 Apply with Candidate Profile: Applicants must create a job seeker profile on the job board and use that profile to apply for your job. This is useful if you wish to utilize the candidate screening tools within the Employer Dashboard. 
#2 Provide Instructions: Select this if you already have a website or ATS that you wish to send applicants to, or you have another method you wish applicants to follow. You will be given the option to provide custom application instructions, or a URL for users to follow. 
#3 Apply with Email: This method is identical to #1, except you will receive an email every time someone applies. The email will contain a copy of their cover letter, resume, and answers to their screening questions (if applicable). 

Job Type: Tag your job with a Type – full-time, part-time, internship, temporary etc. You can apply more than one.

Job Category: Tag your job with a Category. This may give and indication of the function of the role (administration, brand management, communications etc.), the industry of the role (financial services, agriculture, nonprofit etc.), or both. You can apply more than one category. 

Company: If you have more than one company set up in your employer dashboard account, select which one you wish to post under. If there is only one company in your dashboard, that single company will be selected by default. 

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